Friday, July 1, 2011

New usage of Er:YAG in the removal of porcelain veneer and crown

This Er:YAG laser system is actually designed to cut tooth, gum tissue and bone. The Er:YAG allows the user to precisely shaping tooth structure (enamel, or dentin). The laser energy used to reverse the adhesive bond. The laser energy passes through the porcelain veneer and interacts with the adhesive layer connecting the veneer to the natural tooth structure. A veneer is porcelain glass so the laser light,energy just passes through it & interacts with the resin glue underneath. We can use the Er:YAG everyday when removing decay instead of the traditional dental drill.
so we can remove the falled porcelain veneer due to marginal leackage and discoloration or deffective porcelain crown ,in very fast manner and without damaging the undernth normal tooth structure.
this is a new use of Er:YAG iu addition to the various useage in dental hard & soft tissue